Learn over 3500 words
Vocabulary is the basis of all understanding. It takes 3500 words to get to conversational fluency, 7000 to watch media, and 9000 to read books.
Umi teaches words in a way that gives you context and is easy to remember.
Listening is the core of conversation - if you can't understand a response, you can't communicate. And it takes a lot of training.
Umi is focused on training REAL listening skills from day 1. Varied speech patterns, accents, intonations, and settings.
Train your mouth and tongue by repeating after clips.
Gain confidence practicing thousands of native phrases.
Practice to perfection
Never forget with our spaced repetition based review system.
Master speaking, listening, and fast vocabulary recogition through play.

Input Hypothesis
Our brains are like pattern recognition machines. We need to feed enough native data!
Comprehensible input
Being able to understand the content (so it's at your level) enhances learning and fun
Multimodal learning
When we learn using multiple senses we remember deeper. Video, audio, and reading altogether
Read about it (complex)
Lane G
I did 1500 days of Duolingo but still couldn't understand native speakers. After just a couple months of Umi now I can!
Fahad M.
Much better than the green bird 🐦
Dimitrios R.
Great app for beginners trying to start immersion, highly recommend.